On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Yonik Seeley

> Unfortunately not... it's normally something ad hoc like uploading a
> big CSV file, etc.
> There's also the very simplistic TestIndexingPerformance.
> ant test -Dtestcase=TestIndexingPerformance -Dargs="-server
> -Diter=100000"; grep throughput
> build/test-results/*TestIndexingPerformance*
Cool, as a quick stab at this, I ran this 3 times on solr 1.5, solr trunk,
and solr trunk with the proposed mod:
The results are consistent with what I have seen indexing large docs with
just lucene, too.

iter=100000 time=5841 throughput=17120
iter=100000 time=5839 throughput=17126
iter=100000 time=6017 throughput=16619

iter=100000 time=4132 throughput=24201
iter=100000 time=4142 throughput=24142
iter=100000 time=4151 throughput=24090

trunk: swap Snowball Porter with Core Lucene Porter
iter=100000 time=2978 throughput=33579
iter=100000 time=2973 throughput=33636
iter=100000 time=2925 throughput=34188

Robert Muir

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