Yes, I meant: File > New > Java Project > Create project from existing source

I also ripped out the backward stuff, benchmark, some other things
that did not compile since Solr does not use them.

I use Eclipse search a lot, and with everything in the project, text
searching takes way too long. Having the individual chunks imported
via the Eclipse 'link source' gives a much slimmer source base. That
is, make an empty Java project and pull in whatever you want as
individual 'Link source' commands in the Build Path.

Another trick is that to run the unit tests from inside Eclipse: run
it, have it fail, edit the configuration it makes, and in the second
tab set the current directory to workspace_loc/src/test/test-files.
The contrib unit tests all have to be set to their own
contrib/project/src/test/test-files or whatever.  It would be really
handy if JUnit had an annotation for 'this test wants this relative
current directory'.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Rich Cariens <> wrote:
> I think that's what Lance meant ("Create project from existing source").  I
> had more luck with that, but I still have around 100 errors in Lucene and 5
> or so in Solr.  I'm not worried about it though; I'm pretty sure I can get
> it all sorted out and do what I need to do.
> Best,
> Rich
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 7:25 AM, Koji Sekiguchi <> wrote:
>> Paolo Castagna wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> could you be more precise about 'import project from source tree'.
>>>  I think he suggested
>> File > New > Java Project > Create project from existing source
>> ?
>> Koji
>> --

Lance Norskog

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