On 10/30/06, Otis Gospodnetic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is what I just stuck in my Solr SVN checkout, so I can build + deploy the 
This is not ideal though, as every time I make a change I need to run this, 
remove old files, build a war, deploy it, and wait a few seconds for Jetty to 
unpack it.

How are people who are actively working on Solr doing this?  Yonik, Hoss, 
Mike...?  What's your setup like?

My setup is relatively primitive, since my Solr dev time is limited.
All of my changes have been developed using unit tests and the example
app.  Make a change, 'ant -Dtestcase=... test' (with an occasional
'ant clean').  To test with the example, 'ant clean example', Ctrl-C
the open jetty process (in a terminal) and restart it (up-enter).

Our work usage of solr is a different beast altogether; I assume you
were talking mostly about developping Solr itself.


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