: Here it is again, but the mailing list might strip attachments.
: It is very easy to build your own using the instructions in the FAQ.

in general, the Apache mailing lists strip attachments.  In my experience
plain text attachments seem to be okay, as long as they aren't too big and
have the mime type set properly by your mail sender.

in practice: it's usually better to just cut/paste in the body of your
message, or send a URL to an external resource.

: wunder
: On 11/9/06 11:02 AM, "Joachim Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > Hi Walter,
: >
: > Thunderbird shows that there is an attachment to this message in the
: > message list, but when I view
: > the message, no attachment is available.  Could you try sending this
: > attachment again?
: >
: > Thanks --Joachim
: >
: > Walter Underwood wrote:
: >
: >> I've done some testing using JMeter. I followed the instructions
: >> in the JMeter FAQ for "How do I use external data files in my
: >> test scripts?"
: >>
: >>   http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-jmeter/JMeterFAQ
: >>
: >> I'm attaching the script I built with this. A few notes:
: >>
: >>
: >>


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