

On Jan 11, 2007, at 12:41 AM, Mel Riffe wrote:
Solr Flare is actual two pieces of software: 1) a Rails application [flare] that uses 2) a Ruby DSL [solrb] to communicate with a Solr Server. Is this

That is correct. I'm envisioning Flare being more about Rails plugins than the Rails application itself, so others could easily incorporate Solr into their own Rails applications. However, I do think a general purpose web application will be built up around these plugins that folks can simply point at Solr, configure a few things (but maybe not even that), and voila, an search interface is up and running.

Plus, the current state/status of Solr Flare is that the UI is yet to be
developed but the communication piece works.  Is this also correct?

That is correct. I'm focusing on getting the UI up and running in prototypical stages by the end of this weekend, so others can give it a whirl. solrb, the communication stuff, is working as is, but needs work to handle the various query types.

What work is next?

solrb's ToDo is here:
Flare's is here:


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