I was thinking about the same thing. It shouldn't be too difficult to subclass 
SolrRequestHandler and build a special HighlightingRequestHandler that uses the 
builtin highlighting utils to do the job. I wonder if it's possible to get 
access to the http request body inside a SolrRequestHandler subclass. (The raw 
text to be highlighted would have to be passed to solr as body in an http 
Storing the raw text in the solr index is a reasonable solution for small 
indexes only.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Chris Hostetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Februar 2007 03:00
An: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Betreff: Re: highlight search keywords on html page

: When a user performs a search, I will return a list of links containing
: highlighted fragments
: from "pageContent". If a link is clicked, I want to return the associated
: raw html back
: to user AND have search keywords in it to be highlighted, just like google
: cached page.

i'm not really sure that Solr can help you in this case ... it only know about 
the data you give it -- if you want it to highlight the raw html of hte entire 
page, then you're going to need to store the raw html of hte entire page in the 

you can still highlight pageContent with heavy fragmentation on your main 
search page where you list multiple results, and then when a user picks one 
redo the search with an fq restricting to the doc they picked and hl.fl=rawHtml 
and hl.fragsize=0 so you'll get the whole highlighted without fragmentation.


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