I'm not sure if i'm understanding your question ... i was going to mention
SOLR-69 as a possible solution for your goal, but i see you've commented
on that issue so you are already aware of it ... doesn't that code do what
you are describing (by using the facet fields as the mlt.fl ?)

I have to confess, i havne't really followed the MLT stuff very closely,
so forgive me if i'm missing a big disconnect betwen what it does and what
you describe...

: Which is great as a simple "auto-tagger." But we would love to take
: these results and compare it to others to make a "related people"
: query. I could take the top 10 terms, perform a query like
: q=pynchon^9%20barthelme^4&facet=true&facet.field=username&facet.limit=10
: and get the 2nd-order facets back, but I imagine this is a common


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