I would like to store the results of a query someway,. Then after the user analyzes some of the documents (and he/she can take some days to do it), the user can try to make a query refinement over the previous result, getting a subset of it. To do so I need to store the results as a filter, with a given name, so the user can use it later on. But I need to store this in disk, as I can not trust on the cache or the web session. The user should then indicate that the query that is doing now has a filter (a previous query) and this filter should be added to the query (this is allowed in solr, i think) but as filter_ID, to be loaded to solve the query.

I hope now its clearer what I'm trying to do


Mike Klaas wrote:
On 3/27/07, Joan Codina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I'm using solr, to build a search engine, and it works great!!
 Thanks for the job,guys!

Glad it is working for you.

I need to build a searcher that must allow to perform a "search process"
for a collection of documents. And this search process may last several
days, and be composed of several queries that I must be able to store and
 My doubts are:
 How can I store the search results?
 How can I add previously stored search results to a new search?

I'm not sure what you mean by "search process", nor really what you
mean by the functionality requirements you list.  You can certainly
store search results and combine them together however you wish, but
it seems that that is more on the post-query data-analysis side of
things rather than having anything to do with Solr.

Could you clarify what you're looking for Solr to do for you?


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