Thk u Chris.

i just wanna know how to manage master and slaver hardware, for example ram
and disc 's  size.

2007/3/31, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

: if we mv index.tmp$$ index,,,is it truly deleted?

it's not treuly deleted until no running processes have the file handles
open anymore.

: if we notify solr open new searcher, solr just redirect to new index,,

that will cause Solr to close the existing filehandles and open new ones,
so then the files will be deleted.

: Do old index cost memory size and hard disc space?

if they are open, then yes they cost memory -- they cost disk until truely

: if it is not cached in memory,, does it means we no warry about
: when index file increase.

i dont' understand your question.

: if it cached in memory, how to limit it? use autowarmCount?

autowarmCount is a solr cache option .. solr caches are for very specific
things -- they have no control over how much memory LUcene uses for the
bulk of your index.

changing an autowarnCount actually has very little to do with the amount
of total memory Solr uses -- the *size* of each of your caches is a much
more significant factor in how much ram is used by the process.



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