could you tell me what is the (simplest|elegant|fast) way of implementing
the following:

I use faceted browsing, but I limit the number of facet counts to 5 (i.e.,

1. I would like to be able to show if there are more facet values
(this can be achieved with the trick for asking 6 values and only displaying 5
and if the 6th is non-empty obviously there are more than 5 :)

That's a decent workaround.

2. I would like to be able to tell how many facet values are there
total.  (This would be a value like numFound for the results).
Is there such a thing or a workaround like for 1.

Number of facet values in the field (independent of the query), or
number of non-zero facet counts for the particular query?
The former will be relatively easy, the latter can't really be done
that efficiently.


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