: :you could even have the postCommit hook of your writer trigger a commit
: :call on your readers so they reopen the newly updated index.
: Thanks, I need "separate JVMs" so "writer triggers a commit call on readers"
: is slightly unclear... I want to use separate applications, webmodule with
: reader, and standalone writer (it could be webmodule too, but with different
: JEE context; similar to separate JVMs).

postCommit and postOptimize hooks can be subclass of SolrEventListener so
you can trigger arbitrary jva code if you want to write your own (use JMS,
or make an HTTP call, whatever)

the RunExecutableListener that ships with Solr would be the easiest thing
to do ... just have it execute the "commit" command line script on your
slave (which will make it reopen the index you just modified)


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