We resort it in solr-ruby:

  def field_facets(field)
    facets = []
    values = @data['facet_counts']['facet_fields'][field]
    Solr::Util.paired_array_each(values) do |key, value|
      facets << FacetValue.new(key, value)


On May 3, 2007, at 8:10 PM, Mike Klaas wrote:

On 5/3/07, Jack L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The Python output uses nested dictionaries for facet counts.
I read it online that Python dictionaries do not preserve order.
So when a string is eval()'d, the sorted order is lost in the
generated Python object. Is it a good idea to use list to wrap
around the dictionary? This is only needed for the fields, sorted
by counts.

This might be fixed in the future, but for now, either resort on the
client-side (a one- or zero-liner), or specify json.nl=arrarr (which
affects the whole python response structure... probably not

There is some past discussion on the list if you search the archives.


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