Hi Charlie,

On 5/3/07, Charlie Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a couple of questions regarding index corruptions.

1) Has anyone using Solr in a production environment ever experienced an
index corruption? If so, how frequently do they occur?

I once had all slaves complain about a missing file in the index. The master
never had a problem. The problem went away at the next snapshot.

Is the "cp-lr" in snapshot really guaranteed to be atomic? Or is it just
fast, and unlikely to be interrupted?

This has only occurred once over the last 5  months.

2) It seems like the CollectionDistribution setup would be a good way to
put in place a recovery plan for (or at least have some viable backups
of) the index. However, I have a small concern that if the index gets
corrupted on the master server, the corruption would propagate down to
the slave servers as well. Is this concern unfounded?

I would expect this to be true.

Also, each of the
snapshots taken by snapshooter are viable full indexes, correct? If so,
that means I'd have a backup of the index each and every time a commit
(or optimize for that matter) is done, which would be awesome.

That's my understanding.


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