: I decided to trash the whole installation and start again. I downloaded
: last nights build and untarred it. Put the .war into
: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Copied the example/solr directory as
: /var/www/html/solr. No JNDI file this time, just updated solrconfig to
: read /var/www/html/solr as my data.dir.

if you don't use JNDI or a system property to point solr at your
/var/www/html/solr directory, then it's never going to be able to find
your solrconfig.xml to know where your data directory is.

with a setup like that, besides the error you got in your browser trying
to load the admin page, you should have seen an exception in (one of) the
tomcat logs on startup, most likely a NoClassDefFoundError ... if you
dont' see an excpetion like that then you are *definiely* not seeing all
of your errors, maybe you've got ctomcat configured to not log them, or
maybe it's logging them someplace you arent' expecting, because based on
what you described you would definitely get one.


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