Hi James
I think this feature is in 1.2, which is not released yet (in CVS/nightly)

From http://wiki.apache.org/solr/StandardRequestHandler
"Note, in solr1.1 the query and sort parameter were combined as a
single parameter separated with a ';' (q="name:solr; date desc").
Since solr1.2, it is recommend to use the "sort" parameter described
in CommonQueryParameters."

On 5/24/07, James O'Rourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am having strange behaviour experimenting with the example solr
server. Via the tutorial - except I set up my own schema. Anyway,
here's the issue - if I provide the explicit "sort" param in my
request, the sort does not seem to execute, however if I have the
encoded sort via using "; field desc" for example, sorting does work.
Is this expected behaviour? Is there something I'm missing.


This does not sort:


This does:


Anyone know why?


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