On 6/6/07, Frédéric Glorieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can't figure why, but when writer.write(HEAD) is executed, I see code
from StandardRequestHandler executed 2 times in the debugger, first is
OK, second hasn't the q parameter.

I don't know why that would be... what is the client sending the request?
If it gets an error, does it retry or something?

Displaying results is always OK.
Without such lines, there is only one call to StandardRequestHandler, no
exception in log, but no more head or foot. When HEAD and FOOT values
are hard coded and not configured, there's no exception. If HEAD and
FOOT are not static, problem is the same.

I don't see a non-null default for HEAD/FOOT... perhaps
do   if (HEAD!=null) writer.write(HEAD);
There may be an issue with how you register in solrconfig.xml


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