Xuesong (?),

Thanks a lot for your answer, sorry to have not scan the archives before. This a really good and understandable reason, but sad for my project. Prefix queries will be the main activities of my users (they need to search latin texts, so that domin* is enough to match "dominus" or "domino"). So, I need some more investigations.

Xuesong Luo a écrit :

I asked a similar question several days before, it seems we don't have a perfect solution when using prefix wildcard with highlight. Here is what Chris said:
in Solr 1.1, highlighting used the info from the raw query to do highlighting, hence in 
your query for consult* it would highlight the Consult part of Consultant even though the 
prefix query was matchign the whole word.  In the trunk (soon to be Solr 1.2) Mike fixed 
that so the query is "rewritten" to it's expanded form before highlighting is 
done ...
this works great for true wild card queries (ie: cons*t* or cons?lt*) but for 
prefix queries Solr has an optimization ofr Prefix queries (ie:
consult*) to reduce the likely hood of Solr crashing if the prefix matches a 
lot of terms ... unfortunately this breaks highlighting of prefix queries, and 
no one has implemented a solution yet...

Frédéric Glorieux
École nationale des chartes
direction des nouvelles technologies et de l'informatique

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