Hi Chris,

The skills on this list are really very stimulating. I'm sad but I will probably not be able to contribute. Solr may not be the choosen technology of the project I'm working on, because of server administration issues (java). I know that there is no performances arguments (lucene is incredible, and solr is nicely close to it), but that's real life. So I will not find time for the idea below.

> : project, definitively not a good practice for portability of indexes. A
> : duplicate field with an analyser to produce a sortable ASCII version
> : would be better.
> exactly ... I think conceptually the methodology for solving the problem
> is very similar to the way the SpellChecker contrib works: use a very
> custom index designed for the application (not just look at the terms in
> the main corpus) and custom logic for using that index.

It could be a useful request handler ? Giving a field, with a displayable stored value, and a sortable indexed one, you need the analyser to parse the user entry, build a term with it, and get very fastly a pointer to the internal lucene index, exactly at the best place, for w, wo, wor or word. From the iterator you can display a suggest list, it's also possible to get one or more docs directly attached, for example to display a count. It seems interesting for things like, a topic or an author of a doc ?

: Do you mean something like below ?
: <field name="autocomplete">w wo wor word</field>

yeah, but there are some Tokenizers that make this trivial
(EdgeNGramTokenizer i think is the name)

Frédéric Glorieux
École nationale des chartes
direction des nouvelles technologies et de l'informatique

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