Hello Nate,

IMHO, you will not be able to do this in solr unless you accept pretty hard 
constraints on your ACLs (I will get back to this in a moment). IMO, it is not 
possible to index documents along with ACLs. ACLs can be very fine grained, and 
the thing you describe, ACL specific parts of a document....well, I wouldn't 
know how you would index this. (imagine you change the ACL for a specific user. 
How do you know what to re-index and what not. Suppose you add a user? I really 
do not think it is possible based on fine grained ACLs). 

You also should realize you are trying to find an answer to an extremely 
complex problem: authorisation in an index (I am trying to develop facetted 
navigation in combination with authorisation in a lucene index in jackrabbit, 
but I think this is not the place to discuss it)

So, in your case, if you want to use solr and some way of ACLs, I think 
basically you can only manage this if:

1) you ACLs are some sort of paths in a hiearchical based structure, where you 
index the hierarchical structure along with the content. Then when quering you 
have to include the folders that user is allowed to see

2) you need to keep bitset for each user which documents are allowed (but, you 
have even ACLs inside documents). Also, keeping bitsets up2date for many users 
is almost impossible, because 
- lucene document ids possible change after merging segments
- updating documents might mean updating many many bitsets if you have many 

For these reasons, I do not think you can achieve with solar what you want, 
unless you are going to work with something like: updating the index and ACL 
bitsets once a day.

Regards Ard

Can anyone give me some advice on breaking a document up and indexing it
by access control lists.  What we have are xml documents that are
transformed based on the user viewing it.  Some users might see all of
the document, while other may see a few fields, and yet others see
nothing at all.  The access control lists may be a role the user belongs
to, it may be a list of groups, or even a combination of the two.

I can transform the xml to the plain text that I want to index, and key
it off of the acls and then pass along a list of acls that the user
issuing a query belongs to when searching.  But I guess I'm not really
sure how to do this the best way.

Anyone have any thoughts?


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