Hi Ajanta,

thanks! Since I used PHP, I managed to use the PHP decode function to change
it to UTF-8.

But just a question, even if we change mysql default char-set to UTF-8, and
if the input originally is in other format, the mysql engine won't help to
convert it to UTF-8 rite? I think my question is, what is the use of
defining the char-set in mysql other than for labeling purpose?



On 6/13/07, Ajanta Phatak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Not sure if you've had a solution for your problem yet, but I had dealt
with a similar issue that is mentioned below and hopefully it'll help
you too. Of course, this assumes that your original data is in utf-8

The default charset encoding for mysql is Latin1 and our display format
was utf-8 and that was the problem. These are the steps I performed to
get the search data in utf-8 format..

Changed the my.cnf as so (though we can avoid this by executing commands
on every new connection if we don't want the whole db in utf format):

Under: [mysqld] added:
# setting default charset to utf-8

Under: [client]

After changing, restarted mysqld, re-created the db, re-inserted all the
data again in the db using my data insert code (java program) and
re-created the Solr index. The key is to change the settings for both
the mysqld and client sections in my.cnf - the mysqld setting is to make
sure that mysql doesn't convert it to latin1 while storing the data and
the client setting is to ensure that the data is not converted while
accessing - going in or coming out from the server.


Tiong Jeffrey wrote:
> Ya you are right! After I change it to UTF-8 the error still there... I
> looked at the log, this is what it appears,
> -  -  [10/06/2007:03:52:06 +0000] "POST /solr/update
> HTTP/1.1" 500
> 4022
> I tried to search but couldn't understand what error is this, anybody
> any idea on this?
> Thanks!!!
> On 6/10/07, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> : way during indexing is - "FATAL: Connection error (is Solr running at
>> : http://localhost/solr/update
>> : ?): java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP Response code: 500 for
>> URL:
>> : http://local/solr/update";
>> : 4.Although the error code doesnt specify is XML utf-8 code error,
>> but I
>> did
>> : a bit research, and look at the XML file that i have, it doesn't
>> fulfill
>> the
>> : utf-8 encoding
>> I *strongly* encourage you to look at the body of the response and/or
>> the
>> error log of your Servlet container and find out *exactly* what the
>> cause
>> of the error is ... you could spend a lot of time working on this and
>> discover it's not your real problem.
>> -Hoss

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