If your question is about scaling only, I'd put my money on Solr when compared 
to Compass+Lucene if you are looking at the OO(T?)B offering.  Check the Solr 
Wiki for Master/Slave information.  If you go with Compass+Lucene, you'll need 
to do implement something like that yourself.

Lucene Consulting -- http://lucene-consulting.com

----- Original Message ----
From: Harini Raghavan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:02:43 AM
Subject: Compass vs Solr

 Hi Everyone,

We have a web application with search functionality built using lucene. The
search is across different types of data, so it does not scale well from the
database. As lucene does not allow to store relational data, we decided to
try out Compass since it provides a object relation mapping to the lucene

We have got good results with compass when compared to the database search.
But before we migrate the all the other search workflows to use compass, we
are trying to evaluate Solr. We will need to scale our application as our
data is increasing by the day.

Can anyone suggest which one would perform/scale well Compass or Solr?


Has anyone tried to use a combination of Compass & Solr?

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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