Because "score desc" is the default Lucene & Solr behavior when no explicit 
sort is specified, QueryParsing.parseSort() returns a null sort so that the 
non-sort versions of the query execution routines get called.  However the 
caller SolrPluginUtils.parseSort issues that warning whenever it gets a null 
sort.  Perhaps that interaction should be altered, or perhaps it should be left 
in as a sort of "are you sure you want to tell me what I already know?", er, 
warning.  But as it stands you can simply ignore it, or else leave the sort off 
entirely when it is "score desc"; if the behavior were different in those two 
cases it would certainly be a bug, but as you noted that's not the case.

- J.J.

At 10:50 AM -0400 6/21/07, gerard sychay wrote:
>Hello all,
>This is a minor issue and does not affect Solr operation, but I could not find 
>it in the issue tracking.
>To reproduce:
>- I set up a Solr server with the example docs indexed by following the Solr 
>- I clicked on the following example search under the "Sorting" section:
>- I added a "qt" parameter to try out the DisMax Request Handler:
>- In the Solr output, I get:
>WARNING: Invalid sort "score desc" was specified, ignoring Jun 21, 2007 
>10:33:37 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>INFO: /select/ sort=score+desc&indent=on&qt=dismax&q=video 0 131
>The WARNING line is the issue. It does not seem that it should be there. But 
>as I said, it does not appear to affect operation as the results are sorted by 
>score descending anyway (because that is the default?).

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