Not sure you can, but if it helps you can use boosting in the standard
request handler:
post AND lettre _val_:"recip(popularityRank,1,1000,1000)^2.5"
On 7/2/07, Thierry Collogne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a couple questions about the DismaxRequestHandler. I am using it,
because I want to use the boosting mechanism, but I can't get the following
to work :

We also have an advanced search where users can search for :

     *  An exact combination of words
     *  All the words
     *  One of the words
     *  Part of a word

This is a bit like the advanced search from google.

Can this be done when using the DismaxRequestHandler? I did a test with 2
queries :
         * post OR lettre
         * post AND lettre

When using the DismaxRequestHandler I get the same search results, with the
StandardRequestHandler, the OR query gives me much more results than the

Can someone explain to me how to use OR and AND with the

Thank you.

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