: I think there might be something wrong with the date time rounding up. I
: tried this query: "q=*:*&fq=listedDate:[NOW/DAY-1DAY TO *]" which I think
: should return results since yesterday. So if today is 9th of August, it
: should return all results from the 8th of August. However, Solr returns also
: returns result from the 7th of August. Any idea?

are you keeping in mind that solr dates are all relative UTC and not your
local timezone?  (i've been meaning to add optional config params to
DateField to tell it which TimeZone and Locale objects to use when
constructing DateMatchParser I've just never gotten arround to it)

Assuming you are keeping that in mind, can you send the response you get
from a request like...
        q=*:*&fq=listedDate:[NOW/DAY-1DAY TO *]&fq=listedDate:[NOW TO *]
        &debugQuery=1&sort=listedDate asc

...the debug info should contain the toString of the filter queries
showing exactly what dates are being used in those ranges.


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