Hello !Thanks Pieter,That seems a good idea - if not an ideal one - even if it 
sort of an hack. I will try it as soon as possible and keep you informed.The 
hl.fl parameter doesn't have to be initialized, I think, so it won't be a 
problem.On the other hand, I will have the exact same problem to specify the 
(dynamic) field on wich the request is performed... I need to be able to 
execute the request on the full text of the page only : must I specify all of 
the -hightly variable- name of each page field in my query ?I think that 
structured index document could be of great value to complex documents 
indexation. Is there a way that someday Solr will include such possibility, or 
is it basically impossible (due to the way Lucene works for example) ?Kind 
Regards,Pierre-Yves Landron> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 23:12:07 +1000> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org> Subject: Re: Structured Lucene 
documents> > In theory, you could store all your pages in a single document 
using a> dynamic field type:> > <dynamicField name="page*" type="text" 
indexed="true" stored="true" />> > Store each page in a separate field (e.g. 
page1, page2, page3 .. pageN) then> at query time, use the highlighting 
parameters to highlight matches in the> page fields. You should be able to 
determine the page field that matched the> query by observing the highlighted 
results (I'm not certain if the> hl.flparameter accepts dynamic field names, 
you may need to specify> them all> manually):> > 
hl=true&hl.fl=page1,page2,page3,pageN&hl.requireFieldMatch=true> > It sounds 
like a bit of a rough hack and I haven't actually tried to do this> myself, 
maybe someone else has a better idea?> > cheers,> Piete> > > On 08/08/2007, 
Pierre-Yves LANDRON <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > Hello,Is it possible to 
structure lucene documents via Solr, so one> > document coud fit into another 
one ?What I would like to do, for example :I> > want to retrieve full text 
articles, that fit on several pages for each of> > them. Results must take in 
account both the pages and the article from wich> > the search terms are from. 
I can create a lucene document for each pages of> > the article AND the article 
itself, and do two requests to get my results,> > but it would duplicate the 
full text in the index, and will not be too> > efficient. Ideally, what I would 
like to do is to create a document for> > indexing the text of each pages of 
the article, and group these documents in> > one document that describe the 
article : this way, when Lucene retrieve a> > requested term, i'll get the 
article and the page that contains the term.Iwonder if there's a way to emulate 
elegantly this behavior with Solr ?Kind> > Regards,Pierre-Yves Landron> > 
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