(using last night's Solr build)


Can't seem to get this to work.  I am trying to use the regex
highlighter fragment type.  The docs suggest looking at the example
solrconifg.xml for a demonstration of a fragmentor that splits on
sentences.  It looks like this:


<str name="hl.regex.pattern">[-\w ,/\n\"']{20,200}</str>


This confuses me somewhat.  I would have expected perhaps something that
splits on sentence punctuation like [.!?], but this seems to be the
reverse (perhaps so that the punctuation is included?).  Still, why
isn't it [^.!?]?  I read the regex as match between 20 and 200
characters that are one of dash, alphanumeric, space, comma, newline,
double or single quote.


Anyway I have tried many many patterns, and I can't often tell how they
are working.  I certainly haven't been able to split on line boundaries.


Anyone know what to do?





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