
I would check the error log or console for any possible errors first.
They may not show up, it really depends on how you are processing the
word document (custom solr, feeding the text to it, etc).  We are
using a custom version of solr with PDF, DOC, XLS, etc text extraction
and I have successfully indexed 40mb documents.  I did have indexing
problems with a large document or two and simply increasing the heap
size fixed the problem.

 - Pete

On 8/20/07, Fouad Mardini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using solr to index text extracted from word documents, and it is
> working really well.
> Recently i started noticing that some documents are not indexed, that is i
> know that the word foobar is in a document, but when i search for foobar the
> id of that document is not returned.
> I suspect that this has to do with the size of the document, and that
> documents with a lot of text are not being indexed.
> Please advise.
> thanks,
> fmardini

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