: How long should a <commit> take? I've got about 9.8G of data for 9M of
: records. (Yes, I'm indexing too much data.) My commits are taking 20-30

the low levels of updating aren't my forte, but as i recall the dominant
factor in how long it takes to execute a commit is the number of deleted
documents (including documents that have been 'replaced' because the old
one needs to be deleted on commit).

(this is not including any "warming" time when opening the new searcher
-- which may take a while dpending on how big your caches are, what
autoWarm counts you use, and if have an explicit warming queries)

: seconds. Since other people set the autocommit to 1 second, I'm guessing we
: have a major mistake somewhere in our configurations.

i suspect people with a 1 second autocommit don't have as many docs as you
do, but i'm also pretty sure that: 1) autoCommits can't pile up ... no
matter how low the autocommit time is, i don't think it will attempt
another autocommit while a previous autocommit is running; 2) commits when
the index hasn't changed since hte last commit should be very, very fast.


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