I don't use the java client, but when I switched to 1.2, I'd get that
message when I forget to add the content type header, as described in

>  9. The example solrconfig.xml maps /update to XmlUpdateRequestHandler using
    the new request dispatcher (SOLR-104).  This requires posted content to
    have a valid contentType: curl -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'
    The response format matches that of /select and returns standard error
    codes.  To enable solr1.1 style /update, do not map "/update" to any
    handler in solrconfig.xml (ryan)

But your request log shows a GET, should be a POST, I would think. I'd
double check the parameters on post.jar

On 9/6/07, Benjamin Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oops, sorry, its says "missing content stream"
> as far as logs go: i have a request log, didn't find anything with
> stack traces though. where is it? we're using the example one packaged
> with solr.
> "GET /solr/update HTTP/1.1" 400 1401
> just to make sure, i typed "java -jar post.jar solrfile.xml"
> thanks!
> On 9/6/07, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > : We are able to navigate to the solr/admin page, but when we try to
> > : POST an xml document via the command line, there is a fatal error. It
> > : seems that the solr/update servlet isnt running, giving a http 400
> > : error.
> >
> > a 400 could mean a lot of things ... what is the full HTTP response you
> > get back from Solr?  what kinds of Stack traces show up in the Jetty log
> > output?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -Hoss
> >
> >
> --
> cheers,
> ben

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