Dear Thorsten, Erik,

Thanks for the guidelines, but basically our idea is to build a system like, is it possible to take counts of similar words from
a solr indexed field?


On 9/6/07, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 6, 2007, at 3:29 AM, Doss wrote:
> > We are running an appalication built using SOLR, now we are trying
> > to build
> > a tagging system using the existing SOLR indexed field called
> > "tag_keywords", this field has different keywords seperated by
> > comma, please
> > give suggestions on how can we build tagging system using this field?
> There is also a wiki page on some brainstorming on how to implement
> tagging within Solr: <>
> It's easy enough to have a tag_keywords field, but updating a single
> tag_keywords field is not so straightforward without sending the
> entire document to Solr every time it is tagged.  See SOLR-139's
> extensive comments and patches to see what you're getting into.
>        Erik

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