Looks like the query field has to be stored for MLT.

It was failing when i had both query field and similarity fields unstored

MLT is working fine with this configuration

query_field - indexed and stored
similarity_field - indexed, unstored and termvectors stored.

But why should the query field be stored?

It will be nice if http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FieldOptionsByUseCase is

George L

On 9/9/07, Ryan McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> George L wrote:
> > I have been trying the MLT Query using EmbeddedSolr and SolrJ clients,
> which
> > is resulting in NPE.
> >
> Do you get the same error without solrj?
> Can you run the same query with:
>    http://localhost:8987/solr/select?q=id:100001&mlt=true....
> (just to make sure we only need to look at the MLT code)
> ryan

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