With regards to #3, it is recommended that for faceting, you use a separate 
copy of the field with stemming/tokenizing disabled. See : 


-----Original Message-----
From: Venkatraman S 
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 1:05am
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Solr - rudimentary problems

We are using Lucene and are migrating to Solr 1.2 (we are using Embedded
Solr). During this process we are stumbling on certain problems :

1) IF the same document is added again, then it it getting added in the
index again(duplicated); inspite of the fact that the IDs are unique across
documents. This document should be updated in the Index.
 The corresponding entry for this field in schema.xml is :
stored="true" multiValued="false"  required="true"/>

2) Also, at the time of deleting a document, by providing its ID(exactly
similar to the deleteById proc in the Embedded Solr example) , we find that
the document is not getting deleted(and we also do not get any errors).

3) While using facets, we are getting the stemmed versions of the
corresponding words in the faceted fields - how do we get the 'original'
As in, 'intenti' for 'intentional' etc

As i am new to Solr and did not find any documentation/on JIRA , i have
posted these. Any help would be highly appreciated.



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