:  I have a query, when u try for bulk updates, using autoCommit option (which
: does commit on regular basis).

There is alot of complexity going on when dealing with concurrent updates 
-- some of it at the Lucene level, some at the Solr level.  if you really 
want to udnerstand the details, I suggest you start by reading the 
Lucene-In-Action book, then once you understand the Low level Lucene 
issues, then take a look at the code to see the way Solr manages it's 
IndexReader and IndexWriter.

Or just take my word for it that Solr takes care of the concurrancy issues 
for you.  multiple updates/commits may block, and errors external to Solr 
(ie: OutOfMemory, full disk, hardware failure, power failure, rouge 
processes writing to the index files, etc...) may corrupt your index or 
leave stale lock files lying arround -- but Solr is going to keep it's 
house in order.


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