Yonik Seeley wrote:
On 10/3/07, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was wondering if there was a easy way to give solr a list of things
and finding out which have entries.

ie I pass it a list

Bill Clinton
George Bush
Mary Papas
(and possibly 20 others)

to a solr index which contains news articles about presidents. I would
like a response saying

bill Clinton was found in 20 records
George Bush was found in 15.

possibly with the links, but thats not too important.

I know I can do this by doing ~20 individual queries, but I thought
there may be a more efficient way

How about
facet.query=Bill Clinton&facet.query=George Bush, etc

Will give you counts, but not the links


That will work.
Thanks Yonik.

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