In 2-Oct-07, at 12:52 AM, Ravish Bhagdev wrote:

I have tried very hard to follow documentation and forums that try to
answer questions about how to return snippets with highlights for
relevant searched term using Solr (as nutch does with such ease).

I will be really grateful if someone can guide me with basics, i have
made sure that the field to be highlighted is "stored" in index etc.
Still I can't figure out why it doesn't return the snippet and instead
returns the whole document.

I have tried all different highlight parameters with variations, but
no idea what's happening.  Can I test highlighting using given
application using "full search interface" option?  How, it just
returns xml with full document between field tag at the moment.

Note that the highlighting data is _not_ returned in the <doc> section of the response. Getting the whole document back is probably due to asking for all fields (coupled with having stored the main text field).

You can play with the highlighting in the admin ui. Besides having a few parameters directly present, the others can be added directly to the url for testing.

The minimum required for highlighting is:
 1. hl=true
 2. hl.fl=myfield

_If_ that field matches one of the query terms, you should see snippets in the generated response. EVen if not, you should see a <highlighting> section of the response (it will be empty).


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