
Here's what I've got (multiplesolr instance within the same tomcat server)


For an instance 'foo' :

foo.xml :
<Context path="foo" docBase="/var/tomcat/solrapp/solr.war" debug="0"
crossContext="true" >
   <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String"
value="/var/solr/foo/" override="true" />

/var/tomcat/solrapp/solr.war is the path to the solr war file. It can
be anywhere on the disk.
/var/solr/foo/ is the solr home for this instance (where you'll put
your schema.xml , solrconfig.xml etc.. ) .

Restart tomcat and you should see your foo app appear in your deployed apps.


On 10/9/07, Chris Laux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Group,
> >  Does anyone able to deploy solr.war @ tomcat. I just tried to deploy it as 
> > per wiki and it gives bunch of exceptions and I dont think those exceptions 
> > have any relevance with the actual cause. I was wondering if there is any 
> > speciaf configuration needed?
> I had that very same problem while trying to set solr up with tomcat
> (and multiple instances). I have given up for now and am working with
> Jetty instead.
> Chris Laux

Jerome Eteve.

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