> Using the filter cache method on the things like media type and
> location; this will occupy ~2.3MB of memory _per unique value_

Mike, how did you calculate that value? I'm trying to tune my caches, and any 
equations that could be used to determine some balanced settings would be 
extremely helpful. I'm in a memory limited environment, so I can't afford to 
throw a ton of cache at the problem.

(I don't want to thread-jack, but I'm also wondering whether anyone has any 
notes on how to tune cache sizes for the filterCache, queryResultCache and 


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Klaas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 9:30pm
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Facets and running out of Heap Space

On 9-Oct-07, at 12:36 PM, David Whalen wrote:

> I'm sure we could stop storing many of these columns, especially
> if someone told me that would make a big difference.

I don't think that it would make a difference in memory consumption,  
but storage is certainly not necessary for faceting.  Extra stored  
fields can slow down search if they are large (in terms of bytes),  
but don't really occupy extra memory, unless they are polluting the  
doc cache.  Does 'text' need to be stored?
>> what does the LukeReqeust Handler tell you about the # of
>> distinct terms in each field that you facet on?
> Where would I find that?  I could probably estimate that myself
> on a per-column basis.  it ranges from 4 distinct values for
> media_type to 30-ish for location to 200-ish for country_code
> to almost 10,000 for site_id to almost 100,000 for journalist_id.

Using the filter cache method on the things like media type and  
location; this will occupy ~2.3MB of memory _per unique value_, so it  
should be a net win for those (although quite close in space  
requirements for a 30-ary field on your index size).


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