: This is easy--I always convert dates to UTC.  Doubly important since several
: of our servers operate in different timezones.
: Less easy is changing Solr's interpretation of NOW in DateMath to be UTC.
: What is the correct way to go about this?

You lost me there ... "Dates" in java have no concept of timezone, they 
are absolute moments in the space/time continuom.  timezones only affect 
the parsing/formating of dates.  "NOW" is whenever Solr parses the string, 
and when Solr then formats that Date as a string, it formats it in UTC.

i'm guessing you are refering to the notion of rounding down the the 
nearest "day" (or anything of less granularity) ... this is currently 
hardcoded to be done relative UTC -- but as I mention, this is the type of 
thing where ideally Solr would have a setting to let you specify which 
timezone the rounding should be relative to.


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