On 5-Nov-07, at 9:05 PM, Papalagi Pakeha wrote:

Hi all,

I use Solr 1.2 on a job advertising site. I started from the default
setup that runs all documents and queries through
EnglishPorterFilterFactory. As a result for example an ad with
"accounts" in its title is matched when someone runs a query for
"accountant" because both are stemmed to the "account" word and then
they match.

Is it somehow possible to give a higher score to exact matches and
sort them before matches from stemmed terms?

Close to this is a problem with accents - I can remove accents from
both documents and from queries and then run the query on non-accented
terms. But I'd like to give higher score to documents where the search
term matches exactly (i.e. including accents and possibly letter
capitalization, etc) and sort them before more fuzzy searches.

To me it looks like I have to run multiple sub-queries for each query,
one for exact match, one for accents removed and one for stemmed words
and then combine the results and compute the final score for each
match. Is that possible?

One way to do this is to index both alternatives at every term position. So when stemming, you'd store (account accountant) (account accounts), etc., when filtering, (epee épée) (fantome fantôme), etc.

Now when querying, transform your query into <canonicalized version> <original version>^10:

épée -> epee épée^10
accountant -> account accountant^10

A bit of work to do in general, though.


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