First it was "I18N", then "LAMP", and recently "RoR" ... and now ... Solr has hit the big time by becoming integrated into an obfuscated and non-intuitive acronym that pertains to a stack/suite of software...

                ! ! !    "LNS"    ! ! !

Our final inductee into the new Enterprise Search "Tier 1" (the "half"
in "4 and 1/2") is a set of open source software based on Lucene, including Nutch and Solr. Technically it doesn't qualify for the classical "enterprise" status, as we define it. By rights, they should stay on our "Tier 1.5" list. But, and this is a big one, they are being considered, or at least discussed again and again by clients. It happened often enough in 2007 that we have to include Lucene/Nutch/Solr (which we'll refer to as "LNS")

Superfulous acronym jokes asside, It is pretty cool to see a reputable Search company (is a reputable search consulting company? i don't really pay much attention to this sort of thing but i'm assuming they must be since they have a website and they don't need to run banner ads on it to earn money) ranking "Lucene/Nutch/Solr" as a "Tier 1" enterprise search solution ... even if they do only count "LNS" as "half" a product.

-Hoss  (needs sleep now)

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