How often does the index change? Can you use an HTTP cache and do this
once for each new index?


On 1/31/08 9:09 AM, "Andy Blower" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually I do need all facets for a field, although I've just realised that
> the tests are limited to only 100. Ooops. So it should be worse in
> reality... erk.
> Since that's what we do with our current search engine, Solr has to be able
> to compete with this. The fields are a mix of non-multi, non-tokenized and
> others which are. I've yet to experiment with this.
> Thanks.
> shalinmangar wrote:
>> I can't give you a definitive answer based on the data you've provided.
>> However, do you really need to get *all* facets? Can't you limit them with
>> facet.limit field? Are you planning to run multiple *:* queries with all
>> facets turned on a 58GB index in a live system? I don't think that's a
>> good
>> idea.
>> As for the 125 seconds, I think it is probably because of paging issues.
>> Are
>> you faceting on multivalued or tokenized fields? In that case, Solr uses
>> field queries which consume a lot of memory if the number of unique terms
>> are large.
>> On Jan 31, 2008 9:13 PM, Andy Blower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm evaluating SOLR/Lucene for our needs and currently looking at
>>> performance
>>> since 99% of the functionality we're looking for is provided. The index
>>> contains 18.4 Million records and is 58Gb in size. Most queries are
>>> acceptably quick, once the filters are cached. The filters select one or
>>> more of three subsets of the data and then intersect from around 15 other
>>> subsets of data depending on a user subscription.
>>> We're returning facets on several fields, and sometimes a blank (q=*:*)
>>> query is run purely to get the facets for all of the data that the user
>>> can
>>> access. This information is turned into browse information and can be
>>> different for each user.
>>> Running performance tests using jMeter sequentially with a single user,
>>> these blank queries are slower than the normal queries, but still in the
>>> 1-4sec range. Unfortunately if I increase the number of test threads so
>>> that
>>> more than one of the blank queries is submitted while one is already
>>> being
>>> processed, everything grinds to a halt and the responses to these blank
>>> queries can take up to 125secs to be returned!
>>> This surprises me because the filter query submitted has usually already
>>> been submitted along with a normal query, and so should be cached in the
>>> filter cache. Surely all solr needs to do is return a handful of fields
>>> for
>>> the first 100 records in the list from the cache - or so I thought.
>>> Can anyone tell me what might be causing this dramatic slowdown? Any
>>> suggestions for solutions would be gratefully received.
>>> Thans
>>> Andy.
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>> Regards,
>> Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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