Hi Ning,

In continuation with our offline conversation, here is a public expression of interest in your work and a description of our work. Sorry for the length in advance and I hope that the folk will be able to collaborate and/or share experiences and/or give us some pointers...

1) We are trying to leverage Lucene on Hadoop for blog archiving and searching i.e. ever-increasing data (in terabytes) on commodity hardware in a generic LAN. These machines are not hi-spec nor are dedicated but actually used within the lab by users for day to day tasks. Unfortunately, Nutch and Solr are not applicable to our situation - atleast directly. Think of us as an academic oriented Technorati

2) There are 2 aspects.One is that we want to archive the blogposts that we hit under a UUID/timestamp taxonomy. This archive can be used for many things like cached copies, diffing, surf acceleration etc. The other aspect is to archive the indexes. You see, the indexes have a lifecycle. For simplicity sake, an index consists of one days worth of blogposts (roughly, 15MM documents) and follow the <YYYYMMDD> taxonomy. Ideally, we want to store an indefinite archive of blogposts and their indexes side-by-side but 1 year or 365 days is a start

3) We want to use the taxonomical name of the post as a specific ID field in the Lucene index and want to get away with not storing the content of the post at all but only a file pointer/reference to it. This we hope will keep the index sizes low but the fact remains that this is a case of multiple threads on multiple JVMs handling multiple indexes on multiple machines. Further, the posts and indexes are mostly WORM but there may be situations where they have to be updated. For example, if some blog posts have edited content or have to be removed for copyright, or updated with metadata like rank. There is some duplication detection work that has to be done here but it is out of scope for now. And oh, the lab is a Linux-Windows environment

4) Our first port of call is to have Hadoop running on this group of machines (without clustering or load balancing or grid or master/slave mumbo jumbo) in the simplest way possible. The goal being to make applications see the bunch of machines as a reliable, scalable, fault-tolerant, average-performing file store with simple, file CRUD operations. For example, the blog crawler should be able to put the blogposts in this HDFS in live or in batch mode. With about 20 machines and each being installed with a 240GB drive for the experiment, we have about 4.5 TB of storage available

5) Next we want to handle Lucene and exploit the structure of its index and the algorithms behind it. Since a Lucene index is a directory of files, we intend to 'tag' the files as belonging to one index and store them on the HDFS. At any instant in time, an index can be regenerated and used. The regenerated index is however not used directly from HDFS but copied into the local filesystem of the indexer/searcher. This copy is subject to change and every once in a while, the constituent files in the HDFS are overwritten with the latest files. Hence, naming is quite important to us. Even so, we feel that the number of files that have to be updated are quite less and that we can use MD5 sums to make sure we only update the content changed files. However, this means that out of 4.5 TB available, we use half of it for archival and the other half for searching. Even so, we should be able to store a years worth of posts and indexes. Disks are no problem

6) Right then. So, we have (365*15MM) posts and (365*LFi) Lucene file segments on the HDFS. Suppose there are N machines online, then each machine will have to own 365/N indexes. N constantly keeps changing but at any instant the 365 indexes should be live and we are working on the best way to achieve this kind of 'fair' autonomic computing cloud where when a machine goes down, the other machines will add some indexes to their kitty. If a machine is added, then it relieves other machines of some indexes. The searcher runs on each of these machines and is a service (IP:port) and queries are served using a ParallelMultiSearch() [on the machines] and a MultiSearch() [within the machines] so that we need not have an unmanageable number of JVMs per machine. Atmost, 1 for Hadoop, 1 for Cloud and 1 for Search. We are wondering if Solr can be used for search if it supports multiple indexes available on the same machine

As you can see, this is not a simple endeavour and it is obvious, I suppose, that we are still in theory stage and only now getting to know the Lucene projects better. There is a huge body of work, albeit not acknowledged in the scientific community as it should be, and I want to say kudos to all who have been responsible for it. I wish and hope to utilize the collective consciousness to mount our challenge. Any pointers, code, help, collaboration et al. for any of the 6 points above - it goes with saying/asking - is welcome and look forward to share our experiences in a formal written discourse as and when we have them.


Ning Li wrote:
There have been several proposals for a Lucene-based distributed index
 1) Doug Cutting's "Index Server Project Proposal" at
    http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00338.html
 2) Solr's "Distributed Search" at
 3) Mark Butler's "Distributed Lucene" at

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