I have a large solr index that is currently about 6 GB and is suffering of
severe performance problems during updates. A commit can take over 10
minutes to complete. I have tried to increase max memory to the JVM to over
6 GB, but without any improvement. I have also tried to turn off
waitSearcher and waitFlush, which do significantly improve the commit speed.
However, the max number of searchers is then quickly reached.

If you have a large index, then I'd recommend having a separate Solr installation that you use to update/commit changes, after which you use snappuller or equivalent to swap it in to the live (search) system.

Would a switch to another container (currently using Jetty) make any

Very unlikely.

Does anyone have any other tip for improving the performance?

Switch to Lucene 2.3, and tune the new parameters that control memory usage during updating.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
Krugle, Inc.
+1 530-210-6378
"If you can't find it, you can't fix it"

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