Hmmm... everything seems right here.  

This may be a silly question, but 
you are calling rsp.add("response", docs_main.docList) in your custom 
handler correct?

second question: how are you building up your query obejct?  the only 
thing i can think of is that you are constructing the TermQueries directly 
(without using the analyzer) so they don't match what's really in the 
index (ie: things aren't being lowercased, not splitting on "." and "_") 
but when you cut/paste the query string into standard request handler it 
uses the QueryParser which does the proper analysis.

what does debugQuery=true say about your query when you cut/paste the 
query string?

can you post the full code of your custo mrequest handler?

: Hi,
: my problem is as follows: my request handler's code
: filters = null;
: DocListAndSet docs_main = searcher.getDocListAndSet(query, filters, null,
: start, rows, flags);
: String querystr = query.toString();
: rsp.add("QUERY_main", querystr);
: gives zero responses:
:  <str name="QUERY_main">((text:Travel text:Home text:Online_Archives
: text:Ireland text:Consumer_Information text:Regional text:Europe text:News
: text:Complaints text:February text:Transport
: text:Airlines)^0.3)</str>
:  <result name="response" numFound="0" start="0" maxScore="0.0" /> 
: While copying the "QUERY_main" string into Solr admin returns full of them:
: <str name="q">
: (text:Travel text:Home text:Online_Archives text:Ireland
: text:Consumer_Information text:Regional text:Europe text:News
: text:Complaints text:February text:Transport text:Airlines)^0.3
: </str>
: <str name="rows">10</str>
: <str name="version">2.2</str>
: </lst>
: </lst>
: ÿÿ
:       <result name="response" numFound="71584" start="0">
: Please help me understand what's going on, I'm a bit confused atm. Thanks
: :-)


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