Thanks Chris,

My index creation was wrong ;)(I was using 12 Hour format)

Thanks for your support

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 1:35 AM, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> : I heard Solr Date time format is 24 hours.
> that is correct.
> : emf.artist:[2007-12-31T22:20:00Z TO  2007-12-31T22:39:00Z]
> :
> : I am not able to get the content what I expected.
> :
> : But, I tried with following query:-
> :
> : emf.artist:[2007-12-31T10:20:00Z TO  2007-12-31T10:39:00Z]
> Is your emf.artist field stored?
> If so what value do you see in the field when you do that second query and
> get the results you are looking for?  if they don't match what you think
> they should be, then the code you have reading dates from your index and
> writing them to Solr isn't doing what you think it's doing.
> -Hoss

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