
I'm not sure if I understood your problem correctly, but it sounds like you 
want your search to be restricted to authors, but then you want to list all of 
his/her books when displaying results.  The easiest thing to do would be to 
create an index where each "row"/Document has the author name, the book title, 
etc.  For each author-matching Document you'd pull his/her books out of the 
result set.  Yes, this means the author name would be denormalized in 
RDBMS-speak.  Another option is not to index/store book titles, but rather have 
only an author index to search against.  The book data (mapped to author 
identities) would then be pulled from an external source (e.g. RDBMS: select 
title from books where author_id in (1,2,3)) at search results display time.


Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
From: Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:17:32 PM
Subject: schema help

hi :)

I'm trying to work out a schema for our widgets.  more than "just coming 
up with something" I'd like something idiomatic in solr terms.  any help 
is much appreciated.  here's a similar problem space to what I'm working 

lets say we're talking books.  books are written by authors and held in 
libraries.  a sister company is using lucene+compass and they seem to 
have completely different collections (or whatever the technical term is :)


so that a search for authors hits only the authors dataset.

all of the solr examples I can find don't seem to address this kind of 
data disparity.  what is the standard and idiomatic approach for solr?

for my particular data I'd want to display something like this

     book in library
     book in library

on the same result page, but using a completely flat, single schema 
doesn't seem to scale very well.

collective widsom most welcome :)


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