Hi all,

This is a little off-topic, so I apologize. I asked a question not too long ago about uri encoding problems, and got a quick and accurate response, so I thought I would try again.

I need to pass utf-8 encoded characters to solr instances, so I need the uri encoding to be done in UTF-8. In tomcat, this was accomplished by setting an attribute of the Connector (thanks Nicholas and Yonik). We're considering moving from tomcat to Glassfish (for various reasons), so I'm trying to get this working there as well. I found a very similar setting, setting the uriEncoding property in the http-listener, but it's not seeming to have any effect--solr is getting garbled strings.

So, in effect, my question is this: has anybody used solr in glassfish and had to address this problem?

Seems unlikely, but it's worth a shot.

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