You should set uriEncoding="UTF-8" in your application server. For tomcat
you can do that in the server.xml. For Glassfish you have to create a
sun-web.xml containing the according parameters. Yoy r application server
should provide a similar mechanism.


On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Daniel Löfquist <

> Hello,
> We're building a webapplication that uses Solr for searching and I've
> come upon a problem that I can't seem to get my head around.
> We have a servlet that accepts input via XML-RPC and based on that input
> constructs the correct URL to perform a search with the Solr-servlet.
> I know that the call to Solr (the URL) from our servlet looks like this
> (which is what it should look like):
> http://myserver:8080/solrproducts/select/?q=all_SV:ljusbl
> å+status:online&fl=id%2Cartno%2Ctitle_SV%2CtitleSort_SV%2Cdescription_SV%2C&sort=titleSort_SV+asc,id+asc&start=0&q.op=AND&rows=25
> But Solr reports the input-fields (the GET-variables in the URL) as:
> INFO: /select/
> fl=id,artno,title_SV,titleSort_SV,description_SV,&sort=titleSort_SV+asc,id+asc&start=0&q=all_SV:ljusblå+status:online&q.op=AND&rows=25
> which is all fine except where it says "ljusblå". Apparently Solr is
> interpreting the UTF-8 string "ljusblå" as ISO-8859-1 and thus creates
> this garbage that makes the search return 0 when it should in reality
> return 3 hits.
> All other searches that don't use special characters work 100% fine.
> I'm new to Solr so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Can anybody
> help me out and point me in the direction of a solution?
> Sincerely,
> Daniel Löfquist

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