Sandeep Shetty wrote:
Hi people,

I am looking to provide exact phrase match, along with the full text
search with solr.  I want to achieve the same effect in solr rather
than use a separate SQL query. I want to do the following as an

The indexed field has the text "car repair" (without the double
quotes)  for a document and I want this document to come in the
search result only if someone searches for "car repair". The document
should not show up for "repair" and "car" searches.

Is it possible to do this type of exact phrase matching if needed
with solr itself?

It sounds like you want to do an exact string match, and not a text match, so I don't think there's anything complex you'd need to do... just store the field with "car repair" as type="string" and do all of the literal searches you want.

But if you are working off a field that contains something beyond the exact match of what you want to search for, you'll just need to define a new field type and use only the analysis filters that you need, and you'll have to think more about what you need if that's the case.


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