From the Solr 4.1 release notes:

* Solr QParsers may now be directly invoked in the lucene query syntax
 via localParams and without the _query_ magic field hack.
 Example: foo AND {!term f=myfield v=$qq}

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Jack Krupansky
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Complement of {!join}

I think this is the Jira that implemented that feature:
SOLR-4093 - localParams syntax for standard query parser

Yeah, I don't think this is fully documented anywhere, other than the Jira
and the patch itself.

I think I had finished my query parser doc in my e-book before 4.1 came out.
This was the point where the "divorce" between the Lucene and Solr query
parsers took place, because the feature needed to be added to the query
parser grammar, but the Lucene guys objected to this "Solr feature."

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Alexandre Rafalovitch
Sent: Wednesday, July 9, 2014 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: Complement of {!join}

Ok, so cannot be eDisMax at the top.

However, the point I really am trying to make does not seem to be in
those links. All the examples of local parameters I have seen use them
at the start of the query as a standalone component. I haven't seen
examples where a query string contains several of them together and
uses different query parsers. The only example I do remember seeing
multiple query parsers used together was when each one of them was
done separately in 'fq' clauses.

Additionally, even now I don't know how the end of the content after
the local parameter closing brace is determined. I used line breaks
for my example, also (brackets) seem to work. But I don't remember
seeing the exact rules.

So, I still think the world could benefit from a very visible example
showing multi-clause query with different sub-clauses using different
query parsers. Perhaps even on that same linked page on Wiki. And/Or a
presentation on "Did you know this about Solr?" at the next big


Personal website:
Current project: - Accelerating your Solr

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Chris Hostetter
<> wrote:
: Somebody (with more knowledge) should write up an in-depth article on
: this issue and whether the parent parser has to be default (lucene) or
: whatever.

It's a feature of Solr's standard query parser...


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